Volunteer Events

Everyone Welcome | All Skill Levels | Bring Your Tools

At least once a month the pruning club meets for a volunteer opportunity. At these events you will get the chance to work on material in the landscape and receive pointers and tips on pruning techniques from experienced pruners. Please be sure to contact the appropriate contact person for the event you plan to attend.

NOTE: All events are subject to change due to conditions having to do with the Coronavirus pandemic. Call the listed contact person prior to the event to sign up and find out the details and potential attendance limitations at that particular event. 
All activities will be subject to all the precautions required, such as masks and social distancing.


Peralta TV

This segment of SeedUp! from 2009 highlights the Pruning Club and the Aesthetic Pruning program at Merritt College. The program offers courses in pruning techniques for a variety of tree species, and offers opportunities to practice and learn in some beautiful gardens throughout the Bay Area. (Note: the website listed at the end of the video is no longer active.)


Bay Area Pruning Calendar

Created by Margie Potts, the Bay Area Pruning Calendar lists trees, shrubs and vines that can be pruned each month. Pruning tips and empty calendar pages are also included.
Cost: $20 ($25 if mailed) *
* Proceeds from calendar sales fund the Margie Potts Aesthetic Pruning Scholarship.
To purchase the calendar: Contact Pete Churgel at petethepruner@earthlink.net and indicate "Pruning Calendar" in the subject line.

All Classes & Events

Our complete calendar of all upcoming aesthetic pruning classes and volunteer community events.